Thinking about making a purchase?Our Catch
Our catch is either stored at sea in wooden 'Carbs' until needed or brought ashore daily for our shop. We cook & pick crab twice a day, starting the day at around 5.00 am so we have time to produce a range of shellfish treats before we open the shop at 9.30.
If you would like to try Scillonian Fish & Shellfish we can supply the following: Lobster, live or cooked, Crab, live or cooked, picked crab meat, dressed crab, potted crab, crab/lobster sandwiches, lobster and crab salads, fish pies and home made crab soup. Fresh fish subject to availability. For a more detailed explanation of our products go to Buy Fish. 'Our products are so fresh a good vet could get them back on their feet' Mark Pender, Skipper of the Dorothy Ethel. Lobsters & Crawfish
Making a Purchase
Making a purchase is easy. You can call Amanda on 01720 423880, email [email protected]. or complete our Contact Form. If you've never ordered lobster or crab before don't worry, we are always happy to talk through your needs and advise accordingly.
We deliver to Tresco free of charge five days a week, Tuesday to Saturday between 5.00 and 5.15 to New Grimsby Quay - your chance to meet the fisherman who caught your supper. For more information on placing an order go to 'Buy Fish'. Between the 1st April and the 30th October you can also drop into our Island Fish Shop/Cafe on Bryher at Bar, (just up from the beach with the wooden jetty) We are open Monday - Saturday, 9.30 - 5.30 And Sundays 10.00 - 4.30pm. We also stock ice cream, serve tea and coffee and offer a range of the most beautiful coastal themed goodies, including homeware stationary, and tableware much of it locally made. The Island Fish HQ and gardens are a beautiful place to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee or a crab sandwich courtesy of our cafe, or even try out our famous Lobster & Sharing Platters. We serve food all day - no need to book a table. What's more twice a week we offer an evening takeaway service - Thursday is Seafood Paella, whilst Sunday is Takeaway Half a Lobster, Wedges & Slaw Night, just call 01720 423880 to book. Please see our Leaflet for more information. |
Buying More than just a LobsterMake your Money MatterWhen you make a purchase from Island Fish you are helping to support the economy of Scilly. Not only do the family members behind Island Fish Ltd live work and play in Scilly we in turn are committed to buying locally where we can, working with others to strengthen our island community, not just for us but for the next generation of our children and our visitors children to enjoy. This means being part of the community by sitting on various committees, helping to clean the church, meet the launch, cleaning beaches and generally helping to do what needs to be done to make a small island work. Our goal is to ensure that Bryher remains a healthy working & welcoming community with opportunities for life, work, family, and truly spectacular holidays!
What's more, eating fish and shellfish is good for you. Fish & shellfish are a lean, healthy source of protein—and the oily kinds, such as mackerel deliver those heart and brain healthy omega-3 fats. Not surprisingly in 2015 one in 6 people decided to eat more fish! The Emerald Dawn off Hangman's' Island
Our Commitment
'You can't continue to take from the sea without putting something back'. Mike Pender, Skipper of the Emerald Dawn
Island Fish is committed to the future of fishing in Scilly, Our ancestors made it possible for us to follow in their footsteps and we believe it is our duty to ensure the same for the next generation. All of our Mackerel and Pollock (currently a national ban on catching) is caught on hand lines meaning that there is zero by catch whilst any fish that we have remaining at the end of the day is used either as bait for our lobster pots, for our supper or that of Simba the cat! Our primary method of fishing is that of potting, again a methodology that has little impact on the sea bed and which results in little if any-by catch. |